Cake paddle toppers
Our cake paddle toppers are made from clear acrylic and can be made with different paint splash background colours
They can be personalised with any first name or message
The toppers are ideal for displaying on cakes for special occasions
They are cut out with stand attached for easy use.
Showing 40 of 40 results
1st holy communion mirrored acrylic paddle cake topper
£6.00 -
60th Birthday with paint splash clear acrylic cake paddle topper
£10.00 -
Baby personalised with paint splash clear acrylic cake paddle topper
£10.00 -
Baptism personalised with paint splash clear acrylic cake paddle topper
£10.00 -
Christening Day with white splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Christening hexagon personalised with white splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Christening personalised double layer acrylic cake topper
£14.00 -
Christening personalised with white splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Communion personalised with white splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Fabulous & Fifty with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 16th Birthday personalised with paint slash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 16th personalised with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 18th Birthday with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 21st personalised black acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 21st personalised with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 21st with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 30th Birthday with paint splash acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 40th Birthday personalised with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 40th personalised with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 50th Birthday black with gold writing acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 60th personalised with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 65th mum with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 70th birthday personalised with paint splash paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy 80th personalised with paint splash paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy birthday and hearts with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy Birthday Dad with paint splash clear acrylic hexagon cake paddle topper
£10.00 -
Happy birthday personalised with paint splash and gold paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy Birthday with paint and gold splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Happy Halloween clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Merry christmas with red splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Name personalised acrylic paddle cake topper
£12.00 -
Names personalised with paint splash acrylic cake paddle topper
£10.00 -
Number 30 double layer acrylic cake paddle topper
£12.00 -
Number 30 with paint splashclear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Number 50 with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Number 80 with paint splash clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Personalised happy 30th birthday clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Personalised name and age clear acrylic paddle cake topper
£10.00 -
Thirty paddle double layer acrylic paddle cake topper
£14.00 -
Twenty five paddle double layer acrylic paddle cake topper